Your Opportunity to Receive Community Affirmative Prayer Support
At Unity Church of Hawai’i we know that prayer is powerful and community affirmative prayer works! That’s why we are offering another way to join together in sacred service to one another. If you would like the community to hold a loved one who would like an affirmative prayer, whether it be a difficult or joyous time in their life, then submit your loved one’s name to a member of the ministerial team, to a Prayer Chaplain or by email at:, for inclusion on the Wellness List. Wellness List Community Prayer Request Cards can now be found in the pews.
The Wellness list is a public list shared with the congregation and contains the first names of persons requesting community affirmative prayer. This list will be distributed at Sunday service (names will be printed in the Sunday bulletin) with the intention of holding sacred space as a community for those who wish to be so identified. Please note, the Wellness List is not an individual prayer request. Prayer requests placed in the prayer box are ALWAYS kept CONFIDENTIAL.