Written by Johanna “Locke” Kelly, LUT
July 14, 2016
As a Truth student, I have become acutely aware of my thoughts and when they are not in alignment with what God would have for me. Recently an error thought ran through my mind, and having attended Spiritual Education and Enrichment (S.E.E) classes here on campus, I was armed with what I needed to do to reclaim the truth of the situation, that I am one with God, therefore, do not lack any good thing.
In the book, Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck brings a key idea forward, “Thoughts and feelings can either support error or support Divine Ideas that result in effects at the level of mind as well as in the relative realm…Use the power of thought to move the realization of wholeness from the level of the mind (soul) to the level of the body.”
Rev. Dr. Hasselbeck writes about the use of denials and affirmations as a way of, “cleansing and rebuilding of consciousness.” Through the use of denials and affirmations, we find that the belief or thought is examined and released if it does not serve our highest good and a statement of Truth is planted in its place.
The most effective way to construct a denial would be as though one is gently cleaning out cobwebs in the mind. If you become aware of thoughts about not having enough money, you could gently say, “I give no power to thoughts of not having enough money.”
You would then follow the denial with a powerful affirmation of Truth such as, “I am always one with the opulence of God. My Good now comes to me from both known and unknown sources.”
The combined use of these two tools produces dramatic results. The next time an error thought crosses your mind, try a denial and affirmation and see what unfolds for you.