
12 Powers: Wisdom

Adapted from http://www.unity.org/resources/twelve-powers/twelve-powers/12-powers-wisdom

March 2017

Affirmation: I am guided by divine wisdom in every thought, word and action.

Wisdom—The ability to evaluate, discern, apply what you know.

The disciple, James, son of Zebedee.

The corresponding color is yellow and the location is the pit of the stomach.

Let Your Light Shine
By Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann

One of the faculties most prized by Jesus was the gift of wisdom, or spiritual judgment. … Always he pointed to the importance of judging by the standards of the higher Self, rather than by the example set in the world. Never did he react to any person or any situation with the expected response of human living. Always he acted and spoke from the light within himself, the light that enabled him to judge by spiritual methods, to answer from divine insight into the motives of others, the potentiality of good and the revelation of the Christ within.

His judgment and his wisdom went far beyond the perception, knowledge, and judgment of even the most learned men of the day, because his faculty of knowing was developed by a conscious acquaintance with the Source and a desire to express the wisdom of Spirit. He never drew conclusions simply from intellectual knowledge.

As we follow Jesus in developing our God-given potential, we, too, must learn to “judge with right judgment” and to turn to the inner spiritual knowing. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to be caught up in judging according to appearances, making decisions based simply on intellectual knowledge, or accepting limiting concepts constantly presented to us by the worldly viewpoint. …

The center that is associated with the faculty of wisdom is located in the pit of the stomach and is closely allied with the solar plexus, the area behind the heart and stomach which is sometimes referred to as the “body brain.” … Unloving, critical thoughts react particularly on the wisdom center at the pit of the stomach and may result in such ailments as ulcers, indigestion or other difficulties of the stomach area and heart.

On the other hand, when we learn to exercise the faculty of judgment in the inner illumination by Spirit, we will automatically be expressing a greater degree of physical health.

While it is important to remember that we are to develop all the Twelve Powers, there are certain powers which are most closely allied with the Christ in your development. One of these is the faculty of wisdom or judgment, represented by James, the son of Zebedee.

The three disciples who were with Jesus on particularly significant occasions in his life were Peter, representing faith, and the brothers James and John, standing for wisdom and love. Faith, wisdom and love must be brought into everything you do. Wisdom without love is cold. But love without wisdom is misguided and impetuous. …

Wisdom, the highest form of spiritual knowing, includes divine judgment, discrimination, intuition and other activities of mind that come under the heading of pure knowing. Wisdom is not dependent on reasoning, intellectual understanding or deduction. It simply shines as the light from within that illumines the way and reveals whatever needs to be shown at a particular time.

Our purpose in developing this faculty is to let the light of Spirit shine through us, directing all our thoughts, words, actions and motivations. Wisdom must also be employed in directing the activities and unfoldment of the other 11 qualities.

Twelve-Power Meditation Exercise on Wisdom
By Charles Roth

Begin by placing your attention at the crown of your head, representing the Christ center in you; then lower it to your forehead, representing your conscious level of mind, and then to your solar plexus, representing the subconscious level of mind.

At the crown of your head, affirm:

The Christ of God is quickened in me.

At your forehead, your conscious level of awareness, affirm:

I AM aware that the Christ of God is quickened in me.

Then, moving to the solar plexus region, the seat of feeling, affirm:

I AM grateful that the Christ of God is quickened in me.

Next, call forth Peter, your disciple-faculty of faith, by letting your focus of attention travel from the solar plexus to the faith center in the middle of your head, and affirm:

Christ in me calls forth Peter, my disciple-faculty of faith.

I have mountain-moving faith in God.

Now let your focus of attention drop to the small of your back, Andrew, the strength center, and affirm:

Christ in me calls forth Andrew, my disciple-faculty of strength.

I AM strong in the Lord.

Now, from the strength center, bring your focus of attention forward to the solar plexus. (It is just below your rib cage, in the center of your body.) Remember that solar means sun and plexus means center: the sun center, the center of light and wisdom. Affirm:

Christ in me calls forth James, the son of Zebedee, my disciple-faculty of wisdom and good judgment.

After a time, conclude with the thought:

I AM grateful!